Mom Life | Southern Snippets - Part 4

mom life

Aaaaah! That’s basically the way it is most of the time with a 7 year old boy and a 10 year old girl. Pick that up, take the dog out, laundry, dishes, my husband needs something, more laundry, 5 minutes to myse…what do you need? Did I mention more laundry?

I’m joking, but it’s not that far off. One thing I can definitely say is that I absolutely love being a mom. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, but the most rewarding thing I’ve ever done. I joke about the bad times, but the good times absolutely outweigh the hard times. 

Can you relate? I would love to hear your best mom stories, so please, please, please send me a message through email or through social media. I want to connect with other moms and share our experiences together. I’m happy to share any tips I have that make “momming” more enjoyable and I’ll definitely take any tips that you have! Moms…we have to stick together!

Ella’s Journey with Turner Syndrome

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My Favorite Heart Warrior

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Why I LOVE the SHOWROOM Nashville

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February Hearts for CHD

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