Faith | Southern Snippets


What can I say, I’m not perfect and there’s not much I can do apart from Jesus. There I said it. 

I’ve learned some things along the way, Jesus heals marriages, changes people, comforts you when you stress about your kids, heals relationships, and protects you along the way. He may not give you everything you want, but he sure will give you everything you need…and he’ll give you the people you need in your life at that perfect time. 

I have the best group of girlfriends in my life right now, our conversations are about prayer, the Holy Spirit, how we can be better women, and how we encourage each other in Jesus. If this is something you love or even desire to have in your life, let me tell you….YOU CAN and he wants that for you. We were made for relationship and he wants you to be dependent on him for everything.

I sincerely hope that you’ll send me a message, a prayer request, or your favorite verse and I’ll do the same. One reason I started this blog is to glorify God and the best way that I know how to do that is to tell you about all the times he’s been right there beside me in my life to encourage me. I may even be able to share some great books, speakers, and conferences with you along the way. 

Ella is Chosen Book for Girls

Ella is so excited to be sharing her book to encourage young girls. Ella knows what it’s like to be left out and not always included, something so many young girls struggle with, really all girls, even moms! This is such a great book to encourage others, how we all have a purpose and a […]

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New Mom Photo

Encouraging Words for a New Mom: You are Worthy!

Becoming a new mom was, for me, a beautiful experience, one that I wouldn’t trade for anything in the world. Being a mom is a continuing blessing for me. This doesn’t mean that raising young children will always be easy—because it won’t. In fact, after having our first baby, I struggled to find a sense […]

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Ella’s Journey with Turner Syndrome

The other day I mentioned that Ella had Turner Syndrome in an instagram post, I received so much positive feedback and questions that I wanted to share a quick post with more details. I always debate on sharing or how much to share because I don’t ever want Turner Syndrome to be something that defines […]

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My Favorite Heart Warrior

My Heart Warrior The day of Ella’s surgery is a day I’ll never forget and a day I don’t wish on any parent. Again I wanted to share for other parents who may be walking this journey and for those that want to hear Ella’s story. You can read more about Ella’s diagnosis on my […]

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February Hearts for CHD

Hearts for CHD Warriors February is heart month and as a mom of a CHD child this is very dear to me. I wanted to share our story for two reasons, first for me to remember our journey and second for all the moms like me who left the doctors office after a scary diagnosis […]

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